Dayton Lipo and Laser Lipo Plus

Liposuction: Reclaim The Body That’s Always Been Yours

If diet and exercise have not given you the sculpted body look you’ve been seeking, then liposuction may be the answer. Liposuction is not a weight loss solution. Instead, it is a way to eliminate fat deposits in specific areas of the body. Liposuction is a body sculpting solution that completely removes fat deposits from designated body areas. Once fat cells have been removed, they won’t re-appear in the same area. So, if you eat right and exercise, you will be able to maintain the sleeker profile you desire.

Dr. Wolf is able to perform liposuction with local anesthesia in his own office-based treatment facility. Using his expertise and experience to combine laser lipolysis with a proven technique called Tumescent Liposuction, Dr. Wolf is not only able to provide superior skin tightening and exceptional contouring to his patients, but also with no hospital stay required!

“No matter how many crunches I did, I couldn’t get rid of my love handles. Thanks to Dr. Wolf’s procedure, my love handles are gone.”

Wanda Smith

Dayton Liposuction Before and After Photos

Dayton Liposuction Before and After Photo 61

Dayton Liposuction Before and After Photo 1

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Dayton, OH Laser Lipo and Body Contouring:

In this video, Dayton liposuction surgeon Dr. Raymond Wolf demonstrates the Laser Lipo Plus procedure. First introduced at the World Congress of Liposuction-Washington, D.C. in October 2010, it is a ground-breaking advancement in modern liposculpture surgery.

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Dayton OH Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Raymond Wolf